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“Economics is, in essence, the study of poverty.”

- Max Hartwell -


Working Papers




Books &

Book Chapters


Anchor 2
Working Papers

Ravallion, Martin. 2020. "Should the Randomistas (Continue to) Rule?" NBER Working Paper 27554.

Brown, Caitlin and Martin Ravallion. "Inequality and the Coronavirus: Socioeconomic Covariates of Behavioural Responses and Viral Outcomes Across US Counties." NBER Working Paper 27549.  

Brown, Caitlin, Martin Ravallion, and Dominique van de Walle. 2020. "Can the World's Poor Protect Themselves from the New Coronavirus?" NBER Working Paper 27200. 

De Vreyer, Philippe, Sylvie Lambert, and Martin Ravallion. 2020. “Unpacking Household Engel Curves.” NBER Working Paper 26850.

Jolliffe, Dean, Juan Margitic, and Martin Ravallion. 2019. “Food Stamps and America’s Poorest.” NBER Working Paper 26025.

Ravallion, Martin. 2019. “Is a Decentralized Right-to-Work Policy Feasible?” NBER Working Paper 25687.

Jolliffe, Dean, Juan Margitic, and Martin Ravallion. 2018. “Social Protection and Economic Development: Are the Poorest Being Lifted-Up of Left-Behind?” NBER Working Paper 24665.

Ravallion, Martin and Shaohuau Chen. 2017. “Welfare-Consistent Global Poverty Measures.” NBER Working Paper 23739.

Alik Lagrange, Arthur and Martin Ravallion. 2015. “Policy Inconsistent Evaluation: A Case Study for a Large Workfare Program.” NBER Working Paper 21041.

Ravallion, Martin. 2014. “An Exploration of the International Comparison Program’s New Global Economic Landscape.” NBER Working Paper 20338.

Ravallion, Martin and Shaohua Chen. 2013. “Benefit Incidence with Incentive Effects, Measurement Errors and Latent Heterogeneity.” Policy Research Working Paper 6573. Washington, DC: World Bank.

Murgai, Rinku and Martin Ravallion. 2005. “Is a Guaranteed Living Wage a Good Antipoverty Policy?” Policy Research Working Paper 3460. Washington, DC: World Bank.

Ravallion, Martin. 2005. “On the Contribution of Demographic Change to Aggregate Poverty Measures for the Developing World.” Policy Research Working Paper 3580. Washington, DC: World Bank.

Anchor 3

Chen, Shaohua, and Martin Ravallion. 2022. “Is that Really a Kuznets Curve? Turning Points for Income Inequality in China.” Journal of Economic Inequality, forthcoming. 

Lokshin, Michael, and Martin Ravallion. 2022. "A Market for Work Permits.Economic Policy, forthcoming. 

     (Previously Lokshin, Michael, and Martin Ravallion. 2019. “A Market for Work Permits.” NBER Working Paper 26590.

Ravallion, Martin. 2022. “On the Gains from Tradeable Benefits-in-Kind: Evidence for Workfare in India.Economica. 89: 770–787. 

Ravallion, Martin. 2022. “Missing Top Income Recipients.Journal of Economic Inequality 20: 205-222.

Chen, Shaohua, and Martin Ravallion. 2021. "Reconciling the Conflicting Narratives on Poverty in China.Journal of Development Economics 153, November.

Ravallion, Martin. 2020. "On Measuring Global Poverty." Annual Review of Economics 12: 167–188. 

     (Previously Ravallion, Martin. 2019. “On Measuring Global Poverty.” NBER Working Paper 26211.)

Ravallion, Martin. 2020. "Ethnic Inequality and Poverty in Malaysia since May 1969. Part 1: Poverty." World Development  134, October. 

Ravallion, Martin. 2020. "Ethnic Inequality and Poverty in Malaysia since May 1969. Part 2: Poverty." World Development  134, October. 

     (Previously Ravallion, Martin. 2019. “Ethnic Inequality and Poverty in Malaysia Since 1969.” NBER Working Paper 25640.)

Datt, Guarav, Martin Ravallion, and Rinku Murgai. 2020. "Poverty and Growth in India over Six Decades.American Journal of Agricultural Economics 102(1): 4–27.

Alik-Lagrange, Arthur and Martin Ravallion. 2019. "Estimating Within-Group Spillover Effects Using a Group-Based Randomization: Knowledge Diffusion in Rural India." Journal of Applied Econometrics 34: 110–128.

Brown, Caitlin, Martin Ravallion, and Dominique van de Walle. 2019. “Most of Africa's Nutritionally Deprived Women and Children are Not Found in Poor Households.Review of Economics and Statistics  101(4): 631–644.

Ravallion, Martin. 2019. "Global Inequality when Unequal Countries Create Unequal People." European Economic Review  111: 85–97.

Ravallion, Martin. 2019. “Guaranteed Employment or Guaranteed Income?World Development  15: 209–221.

Ravallion, Martin, and Shaohua Chen. 2019. “Global Poverty Measurement when Relative Income Matters.Journal of Public Economics  177: 104046.

Alik-Lagrange, Arthur and Martin Ravallion. 2018. “Workfare versus Transfers in Rural India.World Development  112: 244–258.

Brown, Caitlin, Martin Ravallion, and Dominique van de Walle. 2018. “A Poor Means Test? Econometric Targeting in Africa.Journal of Development Economics  134: 109–124.

Ravallion, Martin. 2018. "Inequality and Globalization: A Review Essay.Journal of Economic Literature 56: 620–642.

Ravallion, Martin. 2018. An Exploration of the Changes in the International Comparison Program’s New Global Economic Landscape.World Development  105: 201216.

Ravallion, Martin. 2017. “Inequality and Poverty when Effort Matters.Econometrics  5(4): 50.

Ravallion, Martin 2017. “A Concave Log-Like Transformation Allowing Non-Positive Values.Economics Letters 61: 130–132.

Gibson, John, Gaurav Datt, Rinku Murgai, and Martin Ravallion. 2017. “For India’s Rural Poor, Growing Towns Matter More than Growing Cities.” World Development  98: 413–429.

van de Walle, Dominique, Martin Ravallion, Vibhuti Mendiratta, and Gayatri Koolwal. 2017. "Long-term Gains from Electrification in Rural India.World Bank Economic Review  31(2): 385–411.

Murgai, Rinku, Martin Ravallion, and Dominique van de Walle. 2016. “Is Workfare Cost-Effective against Poverty in a Poor Labor-Surplus Economy?World Bank Economic Review  30(3): 413–445.

Ravallion, Martin. 2016. “Are the World’s Poorest being Left Behind? Journal of Economic Growth  21(2): 139–164.

Ravallion, Martin. 2016. “Toward Better Global Poverty Measures.Journal of Economic Inequality  14: 227–248.

Ravallion, Martin. 2016. “The World Bank: Why it is Still Needed and Why it Still Disappoints.Journal of Economic Perspectives 30(1): 77–94.

Ravallion, Martin, Kristen Himelein, and Kathleen Beegle. 2016. “Can Subjective Questions on Economic Welfare be Trusted?” Economic Development and Cultural Change  64(4): 697–726.  

Ravallion, Martin. 2015. “The Luxembourg Income Study.Journal of Economic Inequality  13: 527–547.

Ravallion, Martin. 2015. “On Testing the Scale Sensitivity of Poverty Measures.Economics Letters 137: 88–90. 

Ravallion, Martin and Shaohua Chen. 2015. “Benefit Incidence with Incentive Effects, Measurement Errors and Latent Heterogeneity: A Case Study for China. Journal of Public Economics 128: 24-132.

Ravallion, Martin, Dominique van de Walle, Rinku Murgai and Puja Dutta. 2015. “Empowering Poor People through Public Information? Lessons from a Movie in Rural India.Journal of Public Economics  132: 13–22.

Lambert, Sylvie, Martin Ravallion, and Dominique van de Walle. 2014. “Intergenerational Mobility and Interpersonal Inequality in an African Economy.Journal of Development Economics 110: 327–344.

Ravallion, Martin. 2014. “Income Inequality in the Developing World.Science  344: 851–855.

Ravallion, Martin. 2014. “On the Implications of Essential Heterogeneity for Estimating Causal Impacts Using Social Experiments.” Journal of Econometric Methods 4(1): 145-151.

Ravallion, Martin. 2014. “Can we Trust Shoestring Evaluations?World Bank Economic Review  28(3): 413–431.

Chen, Shaohua, and Martin Ravallion. 2013. “More Relatively Poor People in a Less Absolutely Poor World.Review of Income and Wealth 59(1): 1–28.

Ravallion, Martin. 2013. “Price Levels and Economic Growth: Making Sense of Revisions to Data on Real Incomes.Review of Income and Wealth 59(4): 593–613.

Ravallion, Martin. 2013. “Knowledgeable Bankers? The Demand for Research in World Bank Operations.Journal of Development Effectiveness  5(1): 1–29.

Ravallion, Martin. 2013. “How Long Will It Take To Lift One Billion People Out Of Poverty?World Bank Research Observer 28(2): 139–158.

Ravallion, Martin, and Shaohua Chen. 2013. “A Proposal for Truly Global Poverty Measures.Global Policy 4(3): 258–265.

Beegle, Kathleen, Kristen Himelein, and Martin Ravallion. 2012. “Frame-of-Reference Bias in Subjective Welfare.Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 81: 556–570.

Dutta, Puja, Rinku Murgai, Martin Ravallion, and Dominique van de Walle. 2012. “Does India’s Employment Guarantee Scheme Guarantee Employment?Economic and Political Weekly 48 (April 21): 55–64.

Ravallion, Martin. 2012. “Troubling Tradeoffs in the Human Development Index.Journal of Development Economics 99: 201–209.

Ravallion, Martin. 2012. “Mashup Indices of Development.” World Bank Research Observer 27(1): 1–32.

Ravallion, Martin. 2012. “Why Don’t We See Poverty Convergence?American Economic Review 102(1): 504–523.

Datt, Gaurav, and Martin Ravallion. 2011. “Has India’s Economic Growth Become More Pro-Poor in the Wake of Economic Reforms?World Bank Economic Review 25(2): 157–189.

Ravallion, Martin, and Shaohua Chen. 2011. “Weakly Relative Poverty.Review of Economics and Statistics 93(4): 1251–1261.

Ravallion, Martin. 2011. “A Comparative Perspective on Poverty Reduction in Brazil, China and India.” World Bank Research Observer 26(1): 71–104.

Ravallion, Martin. 2011. “On Multidimensional Indices of Poverty.Journal of Economic Inequality 9(2): 235–248.

Ravallion, Martin. 2011. “The Two Poverty Enlightenments: Historical Insights from Digitized Books Spanning Three Centuries.Poverty and Public Policy 3(2): 1–45.

Chen, Shaohua, and Martin Ravallion. 2010. “The Developing World Is Poorer than We Thought, but No Less Successful in the Fight against Poverty.Quarterly Journal of Economics 125(4): 1577–1625.

Ferreira Francisco, Phillippe Leite, and Martin Ravallion. 2010. “Poverty Reduction without Economic Growth? Explaining Brazil’s Poverty Dynamics 1985–2004.Journal of Development Economics 93: 20–36.

Lambert, Sylvie, Martin Ravallion, and Dominique van de Walle. 2010. “A Micro-Decomposition Analysis of Aggregate Human Development Outcomes.Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 72(2): 119–145.

Montalvo, Jose, and Martin Ravallion. 2010. “The Pattern of Growth and Poverty Reduction in China.” Journal of Comparative Economics 38: 2–16.

Ravallion, Martin. 2010. “The Developing World’s Bulging (but Vulnerable) Middle Class.” World Development 38(4): 445–454.

Ravallion, Martin. 2010. “Do Poorer Countries Have Less Capacity for Redistribution?” Journal of Globalization and Development 1(2): 1–29.

Ravallion, Martin. 2010. “Understanding PPPs and PPP-Based National Accounts: A Comment.American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 2(4): 46–52.

Ravallion, Martin, and Michael Lokshin. 2010. “Who Cares About Relative Deprivation?” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 73(2): 171–185.

Chen, Shaohua, Ren Mu, and Martin Ravallion. 2009. “Are There Lasting Impacts of Aid to Poor Areas? Evidence from Rural China.” Journal of Public Economics 93: 512–528.

Ravallion, Martin. 2009. “Are There Lessons for Africa from China’s Success Against Poverty?” World Development 37(2): 303–313.

Ravallion, Martin. 2009. “Decentralizing Eligibility for a Federal Antipoverty Program: A Case Study for China.” World Bank Economic Review 23(1): 1–30.

Ravallion, Martin. 2009. “Evaluation in the Practice of Development.” World Bank Research Observer 24(1): 29–54.

Ravallion, Martin. 2009. “How Relevant is Targeting to the Success of the Antipoverty Program?” World Bank Research Observer 24(3): 205–231.

Ravallion, Martin, Shaohua Chen, and Prem Sangraula. 2009. “Dollar a Day Revisited.” World Bank Economic Review 23(2): 163–184.

Ravallion, Martin. 2008. “Miss-Targeted, or Miss-Measured?” Economics Letters 100: 9–12.

Korinek, Anton, Johan Mistiaen, and Martin Ravallion. 2007. “An Econometric Method of Correcting for Unit Nonresponse Bias in Surveys.” Journal of Econometrics 136: 213–235.

Ravallion, Martin, and Shaohua Chen. 2007. “China’s (Uneven) Progress Against Poverty.” Journal of Development Economics 82(1): 1–42.

Ravallion, Martin, Shaohua Chen, and Prem Sangraula. 2007. “New Evidence on the Urbanization of Global Poverty.Population and Development Review 33(4): 667–702.

Ravallion, Martin, and Michael Lokshin. 2007. “Lasting Impacts of Indonesia’s Financial Crisis.” Economic Development and Cultural Change 56(1): 27–56.

Korinek, Anton, Johan Mistiaen, and Martin Ravallion. 2006. “Survey Nonresponse and the Distribution of Income.” Journal of Economic Inequality 4(2): 33–55.

Mesnard, Alice, and Martin Ravallion. 2006. “The Wealth Effect on New Business Startups in a Developing Economy.” Economica 73: 367–392.

Ravallion, Martin. 2006. “Looking Beyond Averages in the Trade and Poverty Debate.” World Development 34(8): 1374–1392.

Ravallion, Martin, and Michael Lokshin. 2006. “Testing Poverty Lines.” Review of Income and Wealth 52(3): 399–421.

Galasso, Emanuela, and Martin Ravallion. 2005. “Decentralized Targeting of an Antipoverty Program.Journal of Public Economics 85: 705–727.

Lokshin, Michael, and Martin Ravallion. 2005. “Rich and Powerful? Subjective Power and Welfare in Russia.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 56(2): 141–195.

Ravallion, Martin. 2005. “A Poverty-Inequality Trade-Off?” Journal of Economic Inequality 3(2): 169–182.

Chen, Shaohua, and Martin Ravallion. 2004. “Household Welfare Impacts of WTO Accession in China.World Bank Economic Review 18(1): 29–58.

Chen, Shaohua, and Martin Ravallion. 2004. “How Have the World’s Poorest Fared since the Early 1980s?World Bank Research Observer 19(2): 141–170.

Galasso, Emanuela, Martin Ravallion, and Agustin Salvia. 2004. “Assisting the Transition from Workfare to Work: Argentina’s Proempleo Experiment.” Industrial and Labor Relations Review 57(5): 128–142.

Lokshin, Michael, and Martin Ravallion. 2004. “Household Income Dynamics in Two Transition Economies.” Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 8(3): 00–00.

Jalan, Jyotsna, and Martin Ravallion. 2003. “Does Piped Water Reduce Diarrhea for Children in Rural India?” Journal of Econometrics 112: 153–173.

Pradhan, Menno, and Martin Ravallion. 2003. “Who Wants Safer Streets? Explaining Concern for Public Safety in Brazil” Journal of Economic Psychology 24(1): 17–33.

Ravallion, Martin. 2003. “The Debate on Globalization, Poverty and Inequality: Why Measurement Matters.International Affairs 79(4): 739–754.

Ravallion, Martin. 2003. “Inequality Convergence.Economics Letters 80: 351–356.

Ravallion, Martin, and Shaohua Chen. 2003. “Measuring Pro-Poor Growth.Economics Letters 78(1): 93–99.

Datt, Gaurav, and Martin Ravallion. 2002. “Has India’s Post-Reform Economic Growth Left the Poor Behind.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 16(3): 89–108.

Jalan, Jyotsna, and Martin Ravallion. 2002. “Geographic Poverty Traps? A Micro Model of Consumption Growth in Rural China.Journal of Applied Econometrics 17(4): 329–346.

Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt. 2002. “Why Has Economic Growth Been More Pro-Poor in Some States of India than Others?Journal of Development Economics 68: 381–400.

Ravallion, Martin, and Michael Lokshin. 2002. “Self-Rated Economic Welfare in Russia.European Economic Review 46(8): 1453–1473.

Chen, Shaohua, and Martin Ravallion. 2001. “How Did the World’s Poor Fare in the 1990s?” Review of Income and Wealth 47(3): 283–300.

Ravallion, Martin. 2001. “The Mystery of the Vanishing Benefits: An Introduction to Impact Evaluation.World Bank Economic Review 15(1): 115–140.

Ravallion, Martin. 2001. “Growth, Inequality and Poverty: Looking Beyond Averages.World Development 29(11): 1803–1815.

Ravallion, Martin, and Michael Lokshin. 2001. “Identifying Welfare Effects from Subjective Questions.Economica 6 8(271): 335–357.

Lokshin, Michael, and Martin Ravallion. 2000. “Welfare Impacts of Russia’s 1998 Financial Crisis and the Response of the Public Safety Net.Economics of Transition 8(2): 269–295.

Pradhan, Menno, and Martin Ravallion. 2000. “Measuring Poverty Using Qualitative Perceptions of Consumption Adequacy.Review of Economics and Statistics 82(3): 462–471.

Ravallion, Martin. 2000. “Monitoring Targeting Performance When Decentralized Allocations to the Poor Are Unobserved.” World Bank Economic Review 14(2): 331–345.

Ravallion, Martin, and Michael Lokshin. 2000. “Who Wants to Redistribute? The Tunnel Effect in 1990s RussiaJournal of Public Economics 76(1): 87–104.

Ravallion, Martin, and Quentin Wodon. 2000. “Does Child Labor Displace Schooling? Evidence on Behavioral Responses to an Enrolment Subsidy.Economic Journal 110: 158–176.

Ravallion, Martin, and Quentin Wodon. 2000. “Banking on the Poor? Branch Location and Non- Farm Rural Development in Bangladesh.” Review of Development Economics 4(2): 121–139.

Jalan, Jyotsna, and Martin Ravallion. 1999. “Are the Poor Less Well Insured? Evidence on Vulnerability to Income Risk in Rural China.Journal of Development Economics 58(1): 61–82.

Lanjouw, Peter, and Martin Ravallion. 1999. “Benefit Incidence and the Timing of Program Capture.World Bank Economic Review 13(2): 257–274.

Ravallion, Martin. 1999. “Are Poorer States Worse at Targeting their Poor?” Economics Letters 65: 373–377.

Ravallion, Martin. 1999. “Is More Targeting Consistent with Less Spending?” International Tax and Public Finance 6: 411–419.

Ravallion, Martin, and Quentin Wodon. 1999. “Poor Areas, or Just Poor People?Journal of Regional Science 39(4): 689–711.

Datt, Gaurav, and Martin Ravallion. 1998. “Farm Productivity and Rural Poverty in India.” Journal of Development Studies 34(4): 62–85.

Datt, Gaurav, and Martin Ravallion. 1998. “Why Have Some Indian States Done Better than Others at Reducing Rural Poverty?” Economica 65: 17–38.

Jalan, Jyotsna, and Martin Ravallion. 1998. “Transient Poverty in Post-Reform Rural China.Journal of Comparative Economics 26: 338–357.
Jalan, Jyotsna, and Martin Ravallion. 1998. “Are There Dynamic Gains from a Poor-Area Development Program?” Journal of Public Economics 67(1): 65–86.

Ravallion, Martin. 1998. “Does Aggregation Hide the Harmful Effects of Inequality on Growth?Economics Letters 61(1): 73–77.

Bidani, Benu, and Martin Ravallion. 1997. “Decomposing Social Indicators Using Distributional Data.” Journal of Econometrics 77(1): 125–140.

Ravallion, Martin. 1997. “Can High Inequality Developing Countries Escape Absolute Poverty?Economics Letters 56: 51–57.

Ravallion, Martin. 1997. “Famines and Economics.” Journal of Economic Literature 35(3): 1205–1242.

Ravallion, Martin, and Shubham Chaudhuri. 1997. “Risk and Insurance in Village India: A Comment.” Econometrica 65: 171–184.

Ravallion, Martin, and Shaohua Chen. 1997. “What Can New Survey Data Tell Us about Recent Changes in Poverty and Distribution?” World Bank Economic Review 11(2): 357–382.

Chen, Shaohua, and Martin Ravallion. 1996. “Data in Transition: Assessing Rural Living Standards in Southern China.” China Economic Review 7(1): 23–55.

Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt. 1996. “How Important to India’s Poor is the Sectoral Composition of Economic Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10: 1–26.

Ravallion, Martin, and Binayak Sen. 1996. “When Method Matters: Monitoring Poverty in Bangladesh.” Economic Development and Cultural Change 44: 761–792.

Lanjouw, Peter, and Martin Ravallion. 1995. “Poverty and Household Size.Economic Journal 105: 1415–1435.

Ravallion, Martin. 1995. “Growth and Poverty: Evidence for Developing Countries in the 1980s.” Economics Letters 48: 411–417.

Ravallion, Martin, Madhur Gautam, and Dominique van de Walle. 1995. “Testing a Social Safety Net.” Journal of Public Economics 57(2): 175–199.

Chaudhuri, Shubham, and Martin Ravallion. 1994. “How Well do Static Welfare Indicators Identify the Chronically Poor?” Journal of Public Economics 53: 367–394.

Datt, Gaurav, and Martin Ravallion. 1994. “Transfer Benefits from Public-Works Employment.” Economic Journal 104: 1346–1369.

Ravallion, Martin. 1994. “Measuring Social Welfare With and Without Poverty Lines.” American Economic Review 84(2): 359–365.

Ravallion, Martin. 1994. “Book Review: The State of World Rural Poverty: An Inquiry into its Causes and Consequences.” Journal of Economic Literature 32: 1276–1278.

Ravallion, Martin, and Benu Bidani. 1994. “How Robust Is a Poverty Profile?” World Bank Economic Review 8: 75–102.

Ravallion, Martin, and Binayak Sen. 1994. “Impacts on Rural Poverty of Land-Based Targeting: Further Results for Bangladesh.” World Development 22: 823–838.

Anand, Sudhir, and Martin Ravallion. 1993. “Human Development in Poor Countries: On the Role of Private Incomes and Public Services.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 7(Winter): 133–150.

Bidani, Benu, and Martin Ravallion. 1993. “A New Regional Poverty Profile for Indonesia.” Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 29: 37–68.

Bhargava, Alok, and Martin Ravallion. 1993. “Is Household Consumption a Martingale? Tests for Rural South India.” Review of Economics and Statistics 75: 500–504.

Datt, Gaurav, and Martin Ravallion. 1992. “Growth and Redistribution Components of Changes in Poverty Measures: A Decomposition with Applications to Brazil and India in the 1980s.” Journal of Development Economics 38: 275–295.

Ravallion, Martin. 1992. “Does Undernutrition Respond to Incomes and Prices: Dominance Tests for Indonesia.” World Bank Economic Review 6: 109–124.

Huppi, Monika, and Martin Ravallion. 1991. “The Sectoral Structure of Poverty during an Adjustment Period: Evidence for Indonesia in the Mid-1980s.” World Development 19: 1653–1678.

Ravallion, Martin. 1991. “Reaching the Rural Poor through Public Employment: Arguments, Experience and Lessons from South Asia.” World Bank Research Observer 6: 153–175.

Ravallion, Martin, Gaurav Datt, and Dominique van de Walle. 1991. “Quantifying Absolute Poverty in the Developing World.” Review of Income and Wealth 37: 345–361.

Ravallion, Martin, and Monika Huppi. 1991. “Measuring Changes in Poverty: A Methodological Case Study of Indonesia during an Adjustment Period.” World Bank Economic Review 5: 57–84.

Ravallion, Martin, and Dominique van de Walle. 1991. “The Impact on Poverty of Food Pricing Reforms: A Welfare Analysis for Indonesia.” Journal of Policy Modeling 13: 281–299.

Ravallion, Martin, and Dominique van de Walle. 1991. “Urban–Rural Cost of Living Differentials in a Developing Economy.” Journal of Urban Economics 29: 113–127.

Ravallion, Martin. 1990. “Income Effects on Undernutrition.” Economic Development and Cultural Change 38: 490–515.

Ravallion, Martin. 1990. “Rural Welfare Effects of Food Price Changes under Induced Wage Responses: Theory and Evidence for Bangladesh.” Oxford Economic Papers 42: 574–585.

Ravallion, Martin. 1990. “Income Effects on Undernutrition.” Economic Development and Cultural Change 38: 490–515.

Ravallion, Martin. 1990. “Rural Welfare Effects of Food Price Changes under Induced Wage Responses: Theory and Evidence for Bangladesh.” Oxford Economic Papers 42: 574–585.

Ravallion, Martin, and Kalvin Chao. 1989. “Targeted Policies for Poverty Alleviation under Imperfect Information: Algorithms and Applications.” Journal of Policy Modeling 11(2): 213–224.

Ravallion, Martin. 1988. “Expected Poverty under Risk-Induced Welfare Variability.” Economic Journal 98: 1171–1182.

Ravallion, Martin. 1988. “Inpres and Inequality: A Distributional Perspective on the Centre’s Regional Disbursements.” Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 24: 53–72.

Ravallion, Martin. 1987. “Trade and Stabilization: Another Look at British India’s Controversial Food Grain Exports.” Explorations in Economic History 24: 354–370.

Ravallion, Martin. 1986. “On Expectations Formation When Future Welfare Is Contemplated.” Kyklos 39: 401–441.

Ravallion, Martin. 1984. “How Much Is a Transfer Payment Worth?” Oxford Economic Papers 36: 478–489.

Anchor 4
Books & Book Chapters


Ravallion, Martin. 2015. The Economics of Poverty: History, Measurement, and Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.  

Dutta, Puja, Rinku Murgai, Martin Ravallion, and Dominique van de Walle. 2014. Right-to-Work? Assessing India’s Employment Guarantee Scheme in Bihar. Place: World Bank.

Ravallion, Martin and Dominique van de Walle. 2008. Land in Transition: Reform and Poverty in Rural Vietnam. Place: Palgrave Macmillan.

Ravallion, Martin. 1994. Poverty Comparisons. Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic Press.

Ravallion, Martin. 1987. Markets and Famines. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Book Chapters

Ravallion, Martin. 2020. “Should the Randomistas (Continue to) Rule?” In Randomized Control Trials in the Field of Development: A Critical Perspective, Edited by Florent Bédécarrats, Isabelle Guérin and François Roubaud. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ravallion, Martin. 2014. “Poor, or Just Feeling Poor? On Using Subjective Data in Measuring Poverty.” In Andrew Clark and Claudia Senik (eds.), Happiness and Economic Growth: Lessons from Developing Countries. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Do, Quy-Toan, Andrew Levchenko, and Martin Ravallion. 2014. “Copying with Food Price Volatility: Trade Insulation as Social Protection.” In Jean-Paul Chavas, David Hummels, and Brian Wright (eds.), The Economics of Food Price Volatility. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Ravallion, Martin. 2014. “The Idea of Antipoverty Policy.” In A. B. Atkinson and F. Bourguignon (eds.), Handbook of Income Distribution, vol. 2. Amsterdam: North Holland.

Ravallion, Martin. 2014. “An Emerging New Form of Social Protection in 21st Century China.” In Shenggen Fan, Ravi Kanbur, Shang-jin Wei, and Xiaobo Zhang (eds.), Oxford Companion to the Economics of China. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ravallion, Martin. 2012. “Poverty Lines across the World.” In Philip N. Jefferson (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Poverty. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Chen, Shaohua and Martin Ravallion. 2010. “China Is Poorer than We Thought, but No Less Successful in the Fight Against Poverty.” In Sudhir Anand, Paul Segal, and Joseph Stiglitz (eds.), Debates on the Measurement of Poverty. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ravallion, Martin. 2010. “A Reply to Reddy and Pogge.” In Sudhir Anand, Paul Segal, and Joseph Stiglitz (eds.), Debates on the Measurement of Poverty. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ferreira, Francisco and Martin Ravallion. 2009. “Poverty and Inequality: The Global Context.” In Wiemer Salverda, Brian Nolan and Tim Smeeding (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Economic Inequality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ravallion, Martin. 2008. “Evaluating Anti-Poverty Programs.” In Paul Schultz and John Strauss (eds.), Handbook of Development Economics, vol. 4. Amsterdam: North-Holland.

Ravallion, Martin. 2008. “On the Welfarist Rationale for Relative Poverty Lines.” In Kaushik Basu and Ravi Kanbur (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen, vol. 1, Ethics, Welfare and Measurement. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ravallion, Martin and Michael Lokshin. 2008. “Winners and Losers from Trade Reform in Morocco.” In Francois Bourguignon, Luiz Pereira da Silva, and Maurizio Bussolo (eds.), The Impact of Economic Policies on Poverty and Income Distribution: Advanced Evaluation Techniques and Tools. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ravallion, Martin. 2007. “Inequality is Bad for the Poor.” In J. Micklewright and S. Jenkins (eds.), Inequality and Poverty Re-Examined. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Chaudhuri, Shubham, and Martin Ravallion. 2006. “Partially Awakened Giants: Uneven Growth in China and India.” In L. Alan Winters and Shahid Yusuf (eds.), Dancing with Giants: China, India, and the Global Economy. Washington, DC: World Bank.

Ravallion, Martin. 2005. “Externalities in Rural Development: Evidence for China.” In Ravi Kanbur and Tony Venables (eds.), Spatial Inequality and Development. Place: Oxford University Press.

Jalan, Jyotsna, and Martin Ravallion. 2004. “Household Income Dynamics in Rural China.” In Stefan Dercon (ed.), Insurance Against Poverty. Place: Oxford University Press.

Ravallion, Martin. 2004. “Competing Concepts of Inequality in the Globalization Debate.” In Susan Collins and Carol Graham (eds.), Brookings Trade Forum 2004. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.

Ravallion, Martin. 1998. “Poor Areas.” In David Giles and Aman Ullah (eds.), Handbook of Applied Economic Statistics. New York: Marcel Dekkar.

Bruno, Michael, Martin Ravallion, and Lyn Squire. 1998. “Equity and Growth in Developing Countries: Old and New Perspectives on the Policy Issues.” In Vito Tanzi and Ke-young Chu (eds.), Income Distribution and High-Quality Growth. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Lipton, Michael, and Martin Ravallion. 1995. “Poverty and Policy.” In Jere Behrman and T. N. Srinivasan (eds.), Handbook of Development Economics, vol. 3. Amsterdam: North-Holland.

Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt. 1995. “Is Targeting Through a Work Requirement Efficient? Some Evidence for Rural India.” In Dominique de Walle and Kimberly Nead (eds.), Public Spending and the Poor: Theory and Evidence. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

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Ravallion, Martin, and Shaohua Chen. 2015. “Rising Food Prices in Poor Countries: A New Clue to those Puzzling PPP Revisions.” Center for Global Development Blog Post.

Ravallion, Martin. 2014. “Poverty in the Rich World When It Was Not Nearly So Rich.” Blog Post, Center for Global Development, Washington, DC. blog/poverty-rich-world-when-it-was-not-nearly-so-rich.

Ravallion, Martin, and Shaohua Chen. 2009. “The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the World’s Poorest.” VOX, Portal of the Centre for Economic Policy Research, April 30.

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